2019 | South Africa | Publication
Future skills and job creation through renewable energy in South Africa
This study analyses the employment impacts of different plans for expanding electricity generation in South Africa’s power sector. It presents the resulting employment effects within the electricity sector, primarily focusing on coal and renewable energy sources. It also provides an initial assessment of the skill attainment levels required for South Africa’s energy transition, and the […]
2019 | South Africa | Publication
Improving health and reducing costs through renewable energy in South Africa
Air pollution, primarily from coal-fired power plants, is one of the main impacts that the energy sector has on the environment and human health. These pollutants have many negative impacts, of which those of greatest concern include heart diseases, lung cancer, strokes and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (WHO, 2016). The consequences of such diseases include […]
2019 | South Africa | Publication
Consumer savings through solar PV self-consumption in South Africa
The study quantifies the expenditure savings that may be achieved by residential and commercial consumers in South Africa when installing rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) systems with the aim of consuming most of the resulting electricity directly (henceforth termed self-consumption). The analysis is based on scenarios for the future development of PV, including battery costs, the […]
2019 | Video
Video: Co-Benefits of Climate Action with Renewable Energy
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2018 | Publication
COP24 Briefing on key discussion items on the Paris Rulebook
Current Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) to the Paris Agreement, when added up, are a long way off from getting even close to meeting the agreed target of holding global temperatures well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. The Paris Agreement has created a unique platform to build political commitment but it falls short on mobilizing social […]
2018 | Publication
De Hamburgo a Buenos Aires: Movilizando los beneficios para impulsar la ambición climática del G20
Enmarcar el desafío climático en torno a los impactos y beneficios sociales y económicos más amplios ofrece una oportunidad para encontrar terreno común dentro del grupo del G20. Enfrentar el cambio climático desde el ángulo de los impactos en temas claves de la política social, como son el empleo, la salud, la migración, así como […]
2018 | Publication
From Hamburg to Buenos Aires: Mobilising Co-Benefits to Drive Climate Ambition in the G20
The framing of the climate challenge around broader social and economic impacts and benefits presents an opportunity to find common ground within the group of 20. Addressing climate change from the angle of impacts on key social policy themes, such as employment, poverty reduction, education, health, migration as well as the economic and national security […]
2018 | Publication
Co-Benefits als interessenbezogene Zusatznutzen der Klimapolitik [German]
In der Klimapolitik rücken Zusatzeffekte möglicher Politikoptionen zunehmend in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Die systematische Evaluierung dieser Co-Benefits kann eine wichtige strategische Lücke schließen und neue strategische Koalitionen der Klimapolitik mit Wirtschafts- und Sozialressorts eröffnen. Von Martin Jänicke und Sebastian Helgenberger Zum Artikel [oekologisches-wirtschaften.de] […]
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