2022 | South Africa | Publication
From coal to renewables in Mpumalanga
Employment effects, opportunities for local value creation, skills requirements, and gender-inclusiveness. Assessing the co-benefits of decarbonising South Africa’s power sector […]
2021 | Global
The Social Performance Index
Assessing and monitoring community well-being through energy sector investments In this paper, we introduce the Social Performance Index (SPI) for energy sector investments as a tool to systematically assess, monitor, compare, and communicate the social performance of energy projects on the well-being of communities and their members. […]
2021 | Global, India, Kenya, Mexico, South Africa, Turkey, Vietnam | Publication
Co-benefits Knowledge Commons Employment
Renewable energy technologies are job boosters: in 2020, the renewable energy sector employed at least 12 million people around the globe. Many governments worldwide have recognized that the energy pathway they choose will not only have an impact on combatting global warming and meeting climate goals, but also define the basis for their countries’ future […]
2021 | Global | Publication
Opportunity-oriented climate communication
Tales of doom, tales of opportunity. How climate communication can help to overcome psychological barriers to sustainable action This paper focuses on barriers and drivers of personal and public engagement. The success of climate change policies in democracies depends on social consent and ownership of the actions taken. Campaigners and decision-makers therefore need to communicate […]
2021 | Kenya
COP26 Briefing: Community expectations towards energy development in Kenya
This briefing summarises preliminary study results on the top-three social performance indicators, based on the ranking by community representatives: i) Access to affordable health care; ii) Creation of decent jobs (direct and indirect); iii) Economic prospects of tourism. Overall, the social performance criteria and selected indicators reflected the expectations and concerns of the local communities. […]
2021 | South Africa
COP26 Briefing: Jobs and clean energy in Mpumalanga, South Africa
This briefing analyses and quantifies the socio-economic implications of re-purposing coal-fired plants in Mpumalanga via deployment of renewable energy. The analysis emphasises opportunities related to job creation, necessary skill development with a focus on gender questions, and regional value creation and industrial opportunities in Mpumalanga. The study also highlights important framework conditions necessary for fully […]
2021 | Turkey | Publication
COP26 Briefing: Co-benefits of renewables for Turkey’s industry
This briefing analyses and quantifies how incorporating higher shares of renewable energies in the Turkish electricity mix affects electricity prices for the industrial sector. The impacts are quantified for both wholesale and retail electricity prices. Moreover, additional positive socio-economic effects are also quantified in terms of job creation, GDP growth, and reduced inflation. COBENEFITS Turkey […]
2021 | Mexico | Publication
COP26 Briefing: Social performance of renewables for Mexico
In an explorative study conducted by IASS Potsdam in the context of the COBENEFITS project in 2020, a Social Performance Index (SPI) was developed with stakeholders of communities who had been positively or negatively impacted by renewable energy projects. The study centred on two questions: How does a renewable energy project perform socially, i.e., how […]
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