2018 | Publication
The COBENEFITS Approach of Strategic Co-Benefit Assessments
With its co-benefit assessment studies, the COBENEFITS project explores how ambitious domestic renewable energy and climate change mitigation targets will be supportive of other social and economic performance targets of governments and ministries in the partner countries. This paper describes the project process, divided in 1. Selection and Prioritization of Co-Benefits, 2. Reference Policy Scenarios […]
2018 | Germany, India, South Africa | Publication
Factsheet: Leveraging the Social and Economic Co-Benefits of Ambitious and Early Climate Action
This factsheet contains information on the social and economic opportunities of renewable energies with examples from India, Germany, South Africa, and the world, along with key recommendations for leveraging the co-benefits of ambitious and early climate action. The factsheet was created for the Petersberg Climate Dialogue IX in collaboration with the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature […]
2018 | Publication
Germany–Latin America: Fostering Strategic Alliances for a Global Energy Transition
As Renewable Energies bring along important economic and social benefits, they also open up options for political dialogue on the basis of global opportunity sharing. Latin America is of strategic importance for Germany’s international sustainable energy policies. Sustainable energy technologies not only have a large potential market in Latin America but also offer opportunities to address […]
2017 | Publication
Building New Alliances – Seizing Opportunities – Raising Climate Ambitions in the new energy world of renewables
In collaboration with national knowledge partners in India, South Africa, Vietnam and Turkey, the project elaborates country-specific co-benefits of climate policies, with emphasis on the opportunities presented by renewable power generation. With its political partners in government departments and agencies, COBENEFITS connects the social and economic opportunities of renewable energies to climate change mitigation strategies. The […]
2017 | Publication
Connecting opportunities with interests in the new energy world of renewables
Climate protection measures and strategies can deliver numerous benefits: from improvements in human health to fewer conflicts over resources, and a reduced dependency on energy imports. Climate policy should place a greater emphasis on these social and economic effects. […]
2017 | Germany | Publication
Social Benefits of Renewable Energies
Boosted by impressive technological innovation and cost reductions, renewable energy in a growing number of countries is now primarily considered for its social and economic benefits. Among these benefits are opportunities for local value creation, for responding to growing energy demands and for reducing conflicts over scarce water, which are aggravated by fossil power generation. […]
2017 | Publication
Generating socio-economic values from renewable energies: An overview of questions and assessment methods
Renewable energies are viewed as a means to reconcile the decarbonisation of energy systems with sustainable economic development. The list of their possible social and economic benefits is long and many of these claims have an empirical basis. Despite this, a method for their assessment of the capacity to reflect specific country conditions does not exist. […]
2017 | China | Publication
Co-Benefits of Renewables in China: 8 Key Conclusions
In a GIZ-IASS Expert Roundtable in Beijing in March 2017, experts from China, Germany and the USA explored how China’s transition to the new energy world unravels longtime trade-offs between economic, social and environmental interests and how China’s increasingly leading role in international climate diplomacy translates back to immediate opportunities for domestic development and welfare. […]
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