2022 | South Africa | Publication
Opportunities and barriers for women in South Africa’s energy transition
This Impulse Paper is based on research within the COBENEFITS project and interviews with women working in high-skilled jobs in the energy sector in South Africa, conducted in May and June 2022. Women are underrepresented in the energy sector. Globally, women hold around one fifth of the jobs in the oil and gas industry and less than a third of the […]
2022 | Global
Renewable energy for air quality and people’s health
Socio-economic assessment tools, key findings and expert contacts Connecting policymakers with expert organisations to assess and unlock air quality co-benefits Air pollution, primarily from coal-fired power plants, is one of the main impacts that the energy sector has on the environment and human health. The health impacts of greatest concern include heart disease, lung cancer, […]
2022 | South Africa | Publication
Making Mpumalanga a clean energy hub in South Africa
This Policy Brief depicts the opportunities for Mpumalanga in becoming a clean energy hub. The jobs that will be lost in the coal sector can be partially replaced by jobs in the renewable energy sector. To fully replace the lost coal sector jobs, industrialisation of the renewable energy value chain is required, while also maximising […]
2022 | Global | Publication
Enabling policies to harness co-benefits of renewables worldwide
This COBENEFITS report gives an overview of enabling policies that have high potential to make fair use of the maximum potential of co-benefit opportunities that can be unlocked by following the pathway of a high share of renewable energies in the power sector. They are presented according to the different COBENEFITS categories. Enabling policies for […]
2022 | Kenya | Publication
Community expectations of energy development in Kenya
This study focused on understanding the priorities and expectations of different energy projects (coal and wind) from the perspectives of host communities in Lamu and Marsabit Counties, Kenya. The case studies included the proposed wind farm and coal power plant in Lamu as well as the Lake Turkana Wind Power Project (LTWP) in Marsabit County. […]
2022 | Turkey | Publication
Increasing industrial competitiveness in Turkey
This study analyses and quantifies how incorporating higher shares of renewable energies in Turkey’s electricity mix can affect electricity prices for the industrial sector. The impacts are quantified for both wholesale and retail electricity prices. Moreover, additional positive socio-economic effects are also quantified in terms of job creation, GDP growth, and reduced inflation. […]
2022 | Global | Publication
Chancenorientierte Klimakommunikation
Vom Gefahren- zum Chancennarrativ. Wie Klimakommunikation psychologische Barrieren gegenüber nachhaltigem Handeln überwinden kann Dieses Paper behandelt Barrieren und positive Einflussfaktoren auf persönliches und öffentliches Engagement für Klimaschutz. […]
2022 | Mexico | Publication
Social Performance of Renewable Energy for Communities in Mexico
Increasing the Social Performance of Renewable Energy Projects for Communities in Mexico While the expansion of the renewable energy sector in developing countries like Mexico is paramount and needs to scale up to contribute to the targets of the Paris Climate agreement by decarbonizing energy systems, this process must not leave local communities behind and […]
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