Meet us virtually at COP26!
These are our events — all information are subject to change and will be updated regularly:
- “Raising the bar for climate action: New insights on how co-benefits can fuel NDC ambition” UNFCCC Side Event at COP26 hosted by COBENEFITS and NewClimate.
10.11.2021, 16:45–18:00 GMT, Lomond Auditorium
Development-driven NDC implementation is key for achieving domestic climate targets. New tools to assess the co-benefits of mitigation action can support ambitious sector pathways. This event showcases experiences from countries and launches the NDC Update Report and Co-benefits Factsheet Series. Country focus: Kenya.
- “Energy Transition – Compassionate Leadership towards a sustainable world”, hosted by Brahma Kumaris
11.11.2021, 19:00–20:00 GMT, Room 0, EU Pavillion
We will contribute with an input on co-benefits and opportunity-oriented climate communication to the panel discussion. Register to listen in:
Our COP Briefing papers
COP26 Briefing Mexico [PDF]
COP26 Briefing South Africa [PDF]
IASS Side events
For a list of all IASS side events, visit
Information are regularly updated. Should you have questions regarding our COP activities, please contact