Meet us virtually at COP26!

These are our events — all infor­ma­tion are sub­ject to change and will be updat­ed regularly:

  • “Rais­ing the bar for cli­mate action: New insights on how co-ben­e­fits can fuel NDC ambi­tion” UNFCCC Side Event at COP26 host­ed by COBENEFITS and New­Cli­mate.

    10.11.2021, 16:45–18:00 GMT, Lomond Audi­to­ri­um
    Devel­op­ment-dri­ven NDC imple­men­ta­tion is key for achiev­ing domes­tic cli­mate tar­gets. New tools to assess the co-ben­e­fits of mit­i­ga­tion action can sup­port ambi­tious sec­tor path­ways. This event show­cas­es expe­ri­ences from coun­tries and launch­es the NDC Update Report and Co-ben­e­fits Fact­sheet Series. Coun­try focus: Kenya.

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Our COP Briefing papers

COP26 Brief­ing Kenya [PDF]

COP26 Brief­ing Mex­i­co [PDF]

COP26 Brief­ing South Africa [PDF]

COP26 Brief­ing Turkey [PDF]

IASS Side events

For a list of all IASS side events, vis­it


Infor­ma­tion are reg­u­lar­ly updat­ed. Should you have ques­tions regard­ing our COP activ­i­ties, please con­tact