Successful trainings in South Africa

Our suc­cess­ful series of face-to-face train­ings on the co-ben­e­fits of renew­able ener­gy in South Africa has come to an end. We’re hap­py to have seen strong inter­est by all par­tic­i­pants and engage­ment by mul­ti­ple impor­tant stake­hold­ers, among them the Depart­ment of Ener­gy, Depart­ment of Envi­ron­ment Mpumalan­ga and the South African Nation­al Ener­gy Devel­op­ment Insti­tute (SANEDI).

From the Depart­ment of Envi­ron­ment we wel­comed Pemy Gasela, Direc­tor Unit­ed Nations Frame­work Con­ven­tion on Cli­mate Change, Chief Direc­torate: Inter­na­tion­al Cli­mate Change Nego­ti­a­tions and Report­ing. Pemy Gasela took part in our train­ing on assess­ment meth­ods & tools to quan­ti­fy and com­mu­ni­cate co-benefits.

This series of face-to-face train­ings is now com­plet­ed, but inter­est­ed par­ties can still reg­is­ter for our online train­ings until Jan­u­ary 2020. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it or