Goldman Environmental Prize for COBENEFITS partner Nguy Thi Khanh

In a cer­e­mo­ny in San Fran­cis­co on April 23, 2018, Nguy Thi Khanh, founder and direc­tor of Green ID, the key knowl­edge part­ner of the COBENEFITS project in Viet­nam, was award­ed the Gold­man Envi­ron­men­tal Prize 2018. Nguy Thi Khanh was hon­oured for her engage­ment for envi­ron­men­tal issues in Viet­nam such as clean air, pure water and sus­tain­able livelihood.

The jury espe­cial­ly praised her work against the expan­sion of elec­tric­i­ty gen­er­a­tion with coal pow­er and for renew­able solu­tions. It is thanks to her that the effects of air pol­lu­tion from pow­er plants are pub­licly dis­cussed in Vietnam‘s cap­i­tal Hanoi.

In her accep­tance speech, Nguy Thi Khanh said: “I am here today because we made true progress and slowed down the expan­sion of coal pow­er in Viet­nam. […] Viet­nam has proven: When Non­prof­its, sci­en­tists and state agen­cies work togeth­er we can achieve a lot.”

We are proud to be work­ing with such a pow­er­ful and con­vinc­ing woman and look for­ward to our future cooperation!

The Gold­man Envi­ron­men­tal Prize hon­ors grass­roots envi­ron­men­tal heroes from all regions of the earth since 29 years. How­ev­er, this was the first prize ever to be award­ed to Vietnam.


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